The BallCuber mechanism is patented.
The machine is made of :
The hardware cabinet is made of :
A .NET Winforms desktop software drives the robot :
The scan tower allows to get images from the cube. A custom algorithm that uses OpenCV allows to identify facets color.
To claim the world record, we have to solve the cube faster than 00:01:18s !
Current average resolution time is about
Here is what we need to improve it :
Our current prototype has too much cutting clearance which sometimes causes collision. For next version, parts should have a 0.05mm print precision.
The resolution time is about 3min30s. The limit is due to the slow stepper motors. To be fast, we would like to use industrial brushless motors.
4x4x4 Rubik's Cube solving robot from r/Cubers
Rubik’s cubes are traditionally 3x3x3, and have been solved by robotic systems in a variety of different ways. But what about a 4x4x4 variant? Such a device presents expanded solving challenges, which creators Thibault and Florent were able to address with their BallCuber contraption...
If you are interested in this project, or want to help us, do not hesitate to contact us !